Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Heard It On The Radio...I Mean Podcast

When I’m in need of a little writerly inspiration (or to hear a human voice and it’s too early/late to phone up a buddy), I sometimes head over to Barbara DeMarco-Barrett’s Writers on Writing, and listen to one of dozens of podcasts of her fine radio broadcast interviews with writers (an occasionally editors and agents). Either from the front page, listing interviews going back a few months, or by dipping into the archives, I always find someone interesting to listen to. Barbara has a mean blog, too.

1 comment:

ORION said...

I SO had to find your blog after I read on Kim's that you wacked a piece of your thumb off, when asked what you do for fun LOL (what's the deep seated message there!!!) and THEN I find out all of our commonalities...check out my blog...